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Monday, April 19, 2010

Time Management


I am so busy running my business that I do not have time to think about the future and where I want to take the company.  I also find that, because I do not have time to think, problems crop up and they become a crisis.  I know if I had the time, I could prevent some of the crisis.



The master of time management, Stephen Covey, developed a time management matrix in which he had important things to do on the vertical axis and urgent things to do on the horizontal axis.  Planning and crisis avoidance are things that are “important but not urgent.”  Here are three steps to begin working in the quadrant planning, preparation and crisis avoidance.
  1. Go to www.orgcoach.net/timematrix.html.  At the end of each day, estimate the amount of time you spent that day in each of the four quadrants.  Do this for two weeks.
  2. Find three hours per week by eliminating some of the activities in quadrant III and quadrant IV or by delegating those activities.
  3. Spend those three hours every week in a quiet place planning, getting clear on your values and vision or in building relationships that will be meaningful in your business or personal life.

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